Powerfluent Women

6 Dimensional Awakening Retreat

6 Dimensional Awakening Retreat

The Powerfluent Women : 6 Dimesnioanal Awakening Retreat is a 2 day residential -Wholebeing Woman Transformation program. We will focus on 6 key pillars: Infinite Potential, Radiant Wellbeing and Vitality, Empowering Emotions, Value Added Prosperity, Deep Spiritual Connection and Magnetic Presence. We will combine modern medicine, psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and energy based healing to heal, rejuvenate and enrich you.

 ‘The Retreat shares the secret essence of 30 years of my learnings to equip you with super skills and unlock your transformation into a Powerfluent Visionary Woman. Now is your time to step forward into radiant health, greater visibility, influence, impact and success.”

- Dr. Niru Kumar, Padma Shri

Infinite Potential

Imagine the power and wisdom you could source once you shatter the inner glass ceiling of limiting Beliefs. It is a liberating experience to silence the Inner Critic and get rid of self doubt.

It is empowering to believe in your own tremendous abilities and it is exciting it to access your infinite feminine potential.

Radiant Health & Vitality

Imagine felling exhilaratingly alive and radiant in your own body. It is only through authentic inner and outer health that you feel and look radiant. Imagine the confidence this brings, the excellence it unleashes and the success it brings.

Here you will learn that true radiance comes from true health and not our conventional ideas on how to look beautiful or even our perception of what is beautiful. The role of exercise, sleep and nutrition in staying inspired to live a self serving lifestyle routine which is not an effort but an everyday joy.

Empowering Emotions

Imagine if your emotions were under your control. Imagine if you could sustain the feeling of happiness and joy. On coaching and mentoring thousands of women, we find that despite a huge shift in gender dynamics today’s women are not happy. Sometimes she has everything one needs to be happy but she has this nagging pervasive discomfort which just doesn’t go away. For some it is a need to do something bigger and better, for some it is about finding the right partner, for others it is about being successful at work and then there re relationships and children. The common thread in all of these is the need to be heard understood and accepted.

You always wish your emotions were under your control and In this session you will learn how to achieve that.

Magnetic Presence

Influence and Impact: The Feminine way

Imagine being able to communicate your well meaning message of common interest and greater good to loved ones, clients and stake holders with ease and flow. You always wished that people would listen and understand your authentic intent and ideas. You wished that you had the confidence and communication style to be able to convince. Now you can!

Meditation & Mindfulness

Imagine that by the time you emerge from the retreat you are shining your light into the world like never before. Through deep mindfulness practices you will experience yourself as the creative energy of the life force itself. You will learn how to balance your seven major chakras resulting in limitless vibrance and joy. The elixir of true well being comes from here. It is literally like drinking a cup of golden elixir which makes life so much more worth living. You will wonder why you did not apply these practices before this. This is our absolute promise to you.

Value Added Prosperity

Imagine if you could just step into the destiny you have been dreaming of, entering a magical zone of synchronicity from where you will be easily able to weave a magnetic field that attracts the manifestation of your desires and dreams.

Dr. Niru Kumar has been teaching the Law of Attraction even before the famous books you read had not come out. With 30 years of experience in teaching the Law of Attraction, she will share the fine nuances that make miracles happen.

Powerfluent Women

6 Dimensional Awakening Retreat

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