Inclusive Intelligence and Unconscious Bias
The Purpose
Making your organization a market leader and employer of choice.
Attracting best talents.
Helping women employees and other diverse groups develop a long-term professional vision.
Role of organizational policies and support.
Retention and Progression of high potential men and women.
We See, Interpret And Make Decisions Through
Different Lenses, Layers, Legacies
We See
Filters through which we consciously and unconsciously view diversity issues
We See
Obvious and not so obvious Individual characteristics that make us who we are
We Make Dicision
Historical events and situations that are important to us as members of different groups
The Theme
Lenses, Layers and Legacies
Our module is based on understanding
The visible, not so visible and organisational
layers that impact us.
Legacies: The historical events that are important to
us and have influence on how we see things.
Lenses are the filters through which we consciously
and unconsciously view diversity.
Session Objectives
To equip the senior leaders, understand Gender
and Inclusive Intelligence to manage
diverse groups within their teams.
To be able to identify and manage their own biases.
To be able to become champions and allies.
To create an authentic inclusive organizational culture
To enhance organizational productivity